"When we were referred to a reproductive endocrinologist, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I didn't feel like I belonged in any infertility support group because we already had one child. I felt alone and afraid to connect at risk of seeming ungrateful for the success we'd had before. I opened Instagram one day and searched for "secondary infertility," and Holding Both was the first result. I loved Allie's content and opted to join her first support group in February. It was the best decision I ever made. Allie connected me with other moms who knew what it was like. She offered a loving, safe space to be vunerable and work through the complexities of secondary infertility. This group is still my first stop when I have a hard day or good news to share. I don't know where I'd be without these group mates turned friends!."
"The Holding Both Secondary Support Circle has been a light in my life over some of the most difficult months. I met women who actually understand what I'm going through, something I didn't have from friends before this. I looked forward to each Thursday night, knowing I could vent without judgement, laugh way too much, and be understood. I've made friends for life through this process, and I cannot imagine how different the past year would've looked without Allie and this group in my life!"
- client two / business name
"Sesame snaps chocolate cake bonbon candy canes wafer fruitcake. Toffee bonbon croissant lemon drops croissant. Sugar plum halvah tart cupcake oat cake pastry croissant pudding. Sesame snaps chocolate cake bonbon candy canes wafer fruitcake. Toffee bonbon croissant lemon drops croissant. Sugar plum halvah tart cupcake oat cake pastry croissant pudding."
- client three / business name
"Sesame snaps chocolate cake bonbon candy canes wafer fruitcake. Toffee bonbon croissant lemon drops croissant. Sugar plum halvah tart cupcake oat cake pastry croissant pudding. Sesame snaps chocolate cake bonbon candy canes wafer fruitcake. Toffee bonbon croissant lemon drops croissant. Sugar plum halvah tart cupcake oat cake pastry croissant pudding."
Launched in January 2024!